The History of Laois Travellers Action Group
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Laois Traveller Action Group has changed and grown over the years, from small beginnings to becoming a large and integral part of the traveller community across county Laois and beyond
Julie Nevin started campaigning with local authorities to establish a Traveller organisation in Co. Laois.
This was a massive challenge faced by Julie. Many statutory bodies at the time did not see the need for such a project, even though lack of accommodation for Travellers and access to education were some of the worst issues facing Travellers in Co. Laois.

After three to four years of Julie Nevin advocating and campaigning to organisations such as ITM, NTWF and Pavee Point, eventually Mary Holland from PCAP in Portlaoise contacted Julie to in relation to funding available to carry out a needs analysis.
With the support of Mary and PCAP the funding was used to carry out independent research to identify the needs of Travellers living in Co. Laois.
The outcome from that piece of research was presented to the Traveller Health Unit, HSE and from that the Traveller Health Unit agreed to funding for two part-time Traveller Community Workers, and Laois Traveller Views was created.
The name was changed to Laois Traveller Action Group. The group grew bigger and gained the support from ITM, NTWF and TTM.

Laois Traveller Action Group obtained funding from the HSE to employ two part-time Community Development Workers and their first premises was opened in the Old Parochial House, Portlaoise.
A group of Traveller women started a training programme to qualify as Primary Healthcare Workers.

Funding was secured from the Traveller Health Unit, HSE to train a Primary Health Care Team and five Traveller women went on to employment in Laois Traveller Action Group. Julie Nevin worked with the external agencies in Co. Laois highlighting Traveller health issues.
Julie became the Project Coordinator. The project went from strength to strength supporting Traveller families throughout Co. Laois.
Throughout Julie’s time working for LTAG she showed strong leadership values, working closely with her colleagues promoting, supporting, and empowering members of the Travelling Community and she is a very well-respected member of the community.
A team of three Primary Healthcare Workers were employed, and this increased to five in 2012.

A community Development Worker, a Primary Healthcare Coordinator and Horse Project Worker were employed.
Laois Traveller Action Group moved to a larger premises in Peppers Court increasing its street presence.

Julie Nevin retired in August 2018.
Laois Traveller Action Group outgrew premises in Peppers Court and moved to Unit 7 Bridge Street.

Laois Traveller Action Group has grown in size and today has a team of eleven employees.