LTAG Employee Recruitment Policy
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Reviewed by board: June 2022
Policy Statement
As an organisation, people are our most important asset. We therefore recognise that it is crucial to recruit people with the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to help us achieve our charitable purpose and associated goals.
We provide appropriate support, supervision, and appraisal to allow employees to realise their full potential in the workplace. We value the contributions that employees make to the aims and objectives of LTAG.
Recruitment and Selection
We are committed to compliance with all relevant legislative obligations, which apply to the workplace.
Selection criteria are based on the relevant skills, qualifications, experience and potential of candidates. We provide equality of opportunity and we ensure a recruitment process free from any form of unlawful discrimination under the Employment Equality Acts 1998 – 2015.
Depending on the role to be filled, our recruitment and selection process may include the following stages:
- Preparing/reviewing/revising a job description and terms and conditions of employment;
- Agreeing selection criteria;
- Preparing and placing a recruitment advertisement;
- Shortlisting applicants against agreed selection criteria
- Notifying interview candidates and unsuccessful applicants
- Interviewing of candidates by a suitable interview panel
- Assessing candidates against agreed selection criteria
- Making an offer of employment to successful candidate(s) (on a provisional basis subject to checking of references and verification of educational qualifications)
- Verifying relevant educational qualifications/licences of the successful candidate(s)
- Checking employment or other references with referees nominated by the successful candidate(s)
- Completion of Garda vetting (if applicable)
- Ratification of appointments by the board of charity trustees
- Notifying unsuccessful interview candidates
- Issuing a contract of employment for the employee’s signature
- Providing interview feedback to unsuccessful candidates who request it
Confidentiality and Data Protection
LTAG respects the right to privacy and confidentiality of our employees and prospective employees. LTAG may from time to time in the course of administering its business, and exercising its legal rights and performing its legal obligations in connection with the recruitment of employees, need to process both personal data and special categories of personal data (including, for example, information relating to health). LTAG will process such data in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation including the General Data Protection Regulation and implementing legislation. Further details in relation to what personal data is collected in relation to employees or prospective employees, and the purposes for which such data may be used are set out in LTAG’s data protection policy, (which may be amended or updated from time to time).
Reference Checks
References checks and any verification of educational qualifications, which involves contact with third parties will only take place once LTAG forms a clear view that it would like to recruit a particular employee. LTAG will always request the permission of the candidate in advance of checking references or qualifications. Reference checks for every candidate are carried out in the same way. It is the policy of LTAG to seek 2 references, preferably from separate sources e.g., academic, employment, volunteering etc.
Training and Development
Employees undergo an induction that provides information appropriate to their role. Every employee will be provided with:
- A job description;
- Information about the vision, mission, and organisational structure of LTAG
- Information about how the employee’s role fits within the broader purpose of LTAG
- Information about the employee’s supervisor/line manager and key contacts within the organisation
- Details of working conditions
- A copy of LTAG’s Employee Code of Conduct
- Details of LTAG’s grievance and disciplinary procedures
- All other relevant policies and procedures of LTAG
- An opportunity to ask any queries that they may have about their role
An appropriate level of training is provided to all employees to assist them to work in a safe and effective manner.
Probationary Period
A probationary period is normally arranged for new employees and existing employees who have taken on new roles within LTAG. The relevant period is outlined in an employee’s contract of employment.
Support, supervision and appraisal
Employees have access to support, supervision and appraisal during the probationary period and throughout their employment period. Difficulties that arise will be dealt with in a fair, open and efficient way and in line with LTAG’s grievance and disciplinary procedures.
Remuneration for employees is outlined in their contract of employment.
Employees may be reimbursed for expenses incurred, in line with the LTAG policies and procedures and by prior arrangement only.
Review of Policy
The board of Directors will review this policy at 3 year intervals or as appropriate. The Project Manager is responsible for ensuring that this policy is implemented effectively. All other staff and volunteers, including charity trustees, are expected to facilitate this process